Monthly Archive: February, 2015

So 2 chiefs & a priest go to Europe, part 56


…she looks as if she had just died; her flesh hasn’t rotted; this is a real miracle. (Previous installment here.) […]mokst man, kopa tlun tilikom. <x> Iawa ankati styuil tilikom […]two men, for three… Continue reading

So 2 chiefs + a priest go to Europe, part 55


…there, at one time, an evil chief killed St Paul; his head was cut [off], his head fell to the ground, then it bounced, then hit the ground some ways away, then again bounced, and again hit… Continue reading

So 2 chiefs and a priest go to Europe, part 54


…Impror Konstantain mamuk ShK styuil haws iawa… (Previous installment here.) Ayu wiht tilikom mitlait, klaska tiki tlap oihat pus nanich There were many other people there who wanted to find a way to… Continue reading

So 2 chiefs + a priest go to Europe, part 53


(Previous installment here.) The Vatican […]klaska mamuk tintin Lisash kanawi kopa tanas son, pi iaka […]rang the whole Angelus in the morning, and it drit aias tlus kolan ukuk. was beautiful to hear… Continue reading

Audio: Early Ellensburg settlers talking Chinook


I’m excited to post this link to a LONG audio recording of Jargon right away.   I expect I’ll say more about it & transcribe it later. — Dave “CWU Library Lectures: In… Continue reading

So 2 chiefs & a priest go to Europe, part 52


(Previous installment here.) …nsaika pi kopa nsaika tanas. <x> Iawa Pospilat mamuk cim …us and on our hands!” Then Pontius Pilate wrote [the order] pus ShK mimlus kopa lakrwa. <x> Tlun tatilam pi… Continue reading

So 2 chiefs and a priest go to Europe, part 51


(Previous installment here.) “We saw a big stone building, called the Coliseum” Ukuk Shinova tawn iaka <151> kilomitir saia kopa Vintimil. <x> Mokst This Genoa town is 151 kilometres away from Ventimiglia. For… Continue reading

So 2 chiefs + a priest go to Europe: part 50


(Previous installment here.)   solt shok. Drit aias tlus tawn ukuk Marsiii tawn, mitlait ayu aias ocean. It’s a really beautiful town, this Marseille town; there are lots of tlus styuil haws; pi… Continue reading