Tag Archive: chinese

Two Dianas in Alaska, denigrating Salish women


Two Dianas in Alaska. By Agnes Herbert and A. Shikari (pseudonym). London : John Lane, The Bodley Head / New York : John Lane Company. MCMIX. These snide English ladies (one a member… Continue reading

Pigeon Indian, or, how to talk to the Chinese


From an 1887 article titled “Siwash potlatches”, a novel theory of why Chinese immigrants speak Chinook Jargon: It was while I was in Ta- coma, by the way, that a very gifted and… Continue reading

Racially insensitive verb


I thought of titling this post following my general habit: using the word under discussion.  But in the interests both of warning and enticing potential readers, I went for something more general.  This… Continue reading

A trip to Metaline


To paraphrase Daniel Johnston, have you been to Metaline?  If you had visited that mining camp on the BC border in Washington’s first year of statehood, you might have found Chinook Jargon useful.… Continue reading

The Grand Tyhee!


In honor and memory of my dad, Bob Robertson, who died a few days ago: While an Alaska State Trooper in the 1960s, Dad wrote a history of law enforcement from territorial days… Continue reading

Twin Wah fights extradition from the Okanogan using Chinook Jargon


The Spokane [WA] Review, October 1, 1894, page 3, column 4 has an article about a Chinese immigrant in federal custody fighting extradition: Chinaman talks Chinook  Veteran Placer Miner a Prisoner of the… Continue reading