Search Results for: mayoos

Kamloops Wawa pictures, part 17: Coldwater scenery


Here’s a contemporary photo of Coldwater, a Native village in the Nicola region of south-central British Columbia that was home to the first Indigenous “Chinuk Pipa” writer.

“The Passion Play in America”


During the zenith of Chinook Writing in British Columbia, an American Catholic magazine ran a lavish feature on the “Passion Play” that was staged in Chinuk Wawa there.

1897-98: Raoul Renault in Le Courrier du Livre


A Québécois literary magazine put a good chunk of page space into a look at the “Chinook paper”…

1893: A quick study at Spences Bridge…a kid from Ontario?


Here’s one of the many nice examples of people quickly learning to read Chinuk Pipa back in the day…I challenge you to match their success!

The last writing of the first Chinuk Pipa writer


About this time 126 years ago, a sad end came to a remarkable and important young man…

An American Oberammergau, by Harlan I. Smith


Yesterday we dealt with Jesus’s birth, today his death.

The medicine man argues back…in church!


{Edited to specify: it’s not the medicine man who’s doing the arguing here, it’s someone who supports him.} When you grasp how, in Kamloops Wawa, liplit “the priest” mentioned in the third person is the same… Continue reading