Kamloops Wawa pictures, part 17: Coldwater scenery

Here’s a contemporary photo of Coldwater, a Native village in the Nicola region of south-central British Columbia that was home to the first Indigenous “Chinuk Pipa” writer.

That young man was Máyus, a.k.a. Charley Alexis Mayoos, a speaker and writer of Nłeʔkepmxcín (Thompson Salish) and Chinook Jargon. 

He’s the reason Indigenous people started to use the Chinook Writing.

(Click here for all installments in this series!)

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— from “Kamloops Wawa” #130 (July 1895), page 100

Coldwater (Kol Watir in Chinook Writing) looks recognizably like this photo to this day.

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