1882, Fidalgo Island, WA: Not clatawa coupa siah

Untranslated Chinook Jargon!

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W.A. Blood’s illihie (image credit: Elizabeth Person Art & Design)

The neighbors understood!

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Home Again. —W. A. Blood, a former resident ot Fidalgo, returned last week from a visit to the Eastern States. He has been absent almost a year, visiting friends in New York and lowa. As usual he was glad to get back to his old illihie again, and will probably not clatawa coupa siah tor some time to come.

— from the Anacortes (WA) Northwest Enterprise of August 5, 1882, page 3, column 2

  • Illihie = ílihi = ‘place’
  • Clatawa coupa siah = łátwa kʰupa sáyá = ‘go to far-away (places); travel’

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