Tillicum: spose mika engine cockshut…

An advertisement in Chinook Jargon, in a post-frontier BC newspaper.


As we often see in this time period, settlers could be expected both to be literate and to comprehend the pidgin.

[My clarifications are added in brackets.]


     Spose mika engine
[If your (boat) engine]

cockshut, Cochrane
[isn’t working, Cochrane]

hyak mamook chahko
[will quickly order]

chee iktas kopa Van-
[new goods from Van-]

couver, tenas mah-
[couver, ]

kook. Mika cumtux
[cheap.  You know]

Cochrane halo kap-
[Cochrane won’t]

[rob (you).]

D. Cochrane
Groceries Dry Goods

Queen Charlotte

— The Queen Charlotte Islander, volume 2,  number 12, Monday, November 18, 1912, page 1, column 4